Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012

Strauss: Die schweigsame Frau (Wien 2009)

Michael Schade, Jane Archibald und Adrian Eröd (c) Wiener Staatsoper, Foto Axel Zeininger
Die Schweigsame Frau
Komische Oper in 3 Aufzügen (Opus 80; TrV 265)
Oper von Richard Strauss

Sir Morosus - Kurt Rydl
Haushälterin - Janina Baechle
Barbier - Adrian Eröd
Henry Morosus - Michael Schade
Aminta - Jane Archibald
Isotta - Caroline Wenborne
Carlotta - Michaela Selinger
Morbio - Clemens Unterreiner
Vanuzzi - Janusz Monarcha
Farfallo - Walter Fink
Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper
Dirigent: Peter Schneider

Inszenierung, Bühne und Licht:
Marco Arturo Marelli
Kostüme: Dagmar Niefind

Aufnahme aus der Wiener Staatsoper Juni 2009
Passwort: operalia 

4 Kommentare:

  1. the link keep me to a private blog... Why?

    1. Oh sorry for that, I fixed it:
      Here is the link:
      Very fine performance, wonderful opera, have fun with hearing it!
      Best regards

  2. thank u so much! Strauss is just my fetich composer (mozart too) and i love ariadne in a special way I heard some time ago by radio broadcast a wonderful ariadne with a singer named, it seems to me, erna (?) wagner
    wonderfull indeed but i cannot found nothing about it, can u help me?

  3. sorry, the right name is Amber Wagner, an american soprano
