Freitag, 16. November 2012

Mussorgski : Boris Godunov (Madrid 2012)

Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski (1839 - 1881)
Boris Godunow

Oper (oft auch „musikalisches Volksdrama“ genannt) in vier Akten mit Prolog nah Motiven des gleichnamigen Dramas von Puschkin, Urfassung wurde 1870 fertiggestellt.
Uraufführung 8. März 1874 Marjinski Theater Petersburg
Aufzeichnung einer Aufführung vom 13. Oktober 2012 Teatro Real Madrid

Boris Godoenov | Günther Groissböck
Xenia | Alina Yarovaya
Fjodor | Alexandra Kadurina
Grigori Otrepjew der falsche Dmitri | Michael König
Pimen | Dmitri Ulyanov
Vorst Vasili Ivanovitsj Sjoejski | Stefan Margita
Andrei Sjtsjelkalov | Yuri Nechaev
Varlaam | Anatoli Kotcherga
Missail | John Easterlin
Marina Mnisjek | Béatrice Uria-Monzon
Rangoni |: Evgeny Nikitin
Schenkwirtin | Pilar Vázquez
Joerodivi | Andrei Popov
Xenias Amme | Margarita Nekrasova
Nikitisj | Károli Szmerédy
Mitjoecha | Fernando Radó
Bojaar | Antonio Lozano
Kroestsjov: Tmoeu Bibiloni
Lavitski |: Ángel rodriguez
Tsjernikovski |: Rodrigo Álvarez

Chor und Orchester Teatro Real Madrid
Dirigent | Hartmut Haenchen

Passwort: operalia

8 Kommentare:

  1. No download link works rtf files.
    There are no files * .001 .002 .003 *
    Its extension is not valid
    You'll have to go to the net all the blog links again

    1. I am sorry but Rapidshare went down and I had to change but I can not reupload all again. If you are interested in some of my older posts pleasae let me know Kind regards werther

    2. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

    3. Ok, thanks. Right nos I'm interested un everything of the Teatro Real in Madrid.
      Especially Boris Godunov, Persephone, Tristan und Isolde...
      Thank you very much, Werther

    4. Boris was reuploadedd...try it. Will look for other Operas from Madrid (I do not have Persephone)

    5. Tristan was reuploaded Kind regards Werther

    6. I still does not work
      maybe it's that I do not understand these things ...
      But if you think the files are right tell me please what program to open the files * 001 .002 and .003*
      Sorry for my innocence ...
      Kind regards, (I can not say my name, sorry)

      P.S.: Sorry to bother you so much.

    7. HIgh sorry for your struggle...just use the program 7z, this will help you, it is freeware. Kind regards Werther
