Sonntag, 13. April 2014

Giordano: Andrea Chenier (New York 2014)

Umberto Giordano (1867 – 1948)
Andrea Chenier

Aufzeichnung Metropolitan Opera House vom 12.4.2014

Maddalena | Patricia Racette
Andrea Chénier | Marcelo Alvarez
Carlo Gérard | Zeljko Lucic
La Bersi | Jennifer Johnson Cano
Madelon | Olesya Petrova
Incredibile | Tony Stevenson
Roucher | Dwayne Croft
Mathieu | Robert Pomakov
The Countess | Margaret Lattimore
The Abbé | Dennis Petersen
Major-Domo | Kyle Pfortmiller
Fléville | John Moore
Dumas | James Courtney
Fouquier-Tinville | Jeffrey Wells
Schmidt | David Crawford
New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Gianandrea Noseda | Dirigent

Passwort: operalia

4 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you for all of your posts. Do you by any chance have the Enchanted Island from the Met from earlier last month? Thanks again

    1. I try it - as you noticed Baroque Opera is not in the Scope of this blog. Nevertheless I will look what to do. Kind regards Werther

  2. Thank you for posting everything! I'm having problems downloading this file, though: keeps asking me to upgrade my browser, but my computer won't support the upgrade, and then I can't download the file. Could you upload this Chenier somewhere else?

    1. Oh I am so sory for that but I just moved from Rapidshare to Mega since Rapidshare seems to be finished. The adjusted prices - incredible. I do not see how to help you. Update your browser! Kind regards Werther
